
We have finally packed everything - time to say goodbye tomorrow

We are ready for tomorrow! 

We attached the lights, speedometer and mudguards to the bikes. We even purchased extra soft saddle covers to protect our butts ;) (as we plan to ride 100-150 km a day).  
Packing is done as well. Me (Orsi) managed to fit 8.5 kg in the two rear bags, which includes: a few clothes, running shoes (most important!), first aid kit, chargers, e-book reader (yes, I do plan to read a lot in the tent), Yatzy, camera etc. 

Isak will carry the tent, both sleeping bags and roll mats (at least the first day, since we don't have the equipment to attach my sleeping bag and roll mat to the bike).

We tried the bikes today, both feel good and comfortable, even with the extra weights. One thing is for sure though: we WILL have to pedal extra hard on the hills.

Our journey starts tomorrow morning between 7 and 9 am (depends on when we manage to wake up ;) . 
We will try to update this site every day but we can't promise anything.  

A few weeks and we arrive to Hungary, yeaah! :))